Most of the students who are coming to Germany thinks to finish their studies as soon as possible to get a job. It is not really worth to finish the studies without any industrial experiences in Germany.
From my experience I would separate the students into two category.
- Students without work experience
- Students with work experience

Students without work experience
This will be more suitable for all the students who are coming to Germany for their bachelor studies.
Also, most of the master students who are coming to Germany are without work experience or with a work experience of fewer than 3 years. It is very important for those students to do an internship and a master thesis in a company. This gives atleast one year of experience.
Sometimes it is also possible to work student (werkstudent) in a company. That is also one of the best options to get industrial experience.
This experience helps the students in several ways as mentioned in the reasons below. Apart from that it also helps students to mention some work experience in their resume. Since the salary in Germany is high, most of the companies expect an employee with some previous experience like an internship, work students, thesis in companies.
It is really necessary for those students to get more industrial experience. There are several reasons behind this.
- To learn the German work culture
- To understand the German culture and mentality of the people
- To know about your interesting field of working
- To learn basic and professional software in detail
- To gain more domain knowledge
- To learn how to implement what you have studied (realtime application)
- To work independently
- To get a job easily after your studies
Students with work experience
It is also important for master students with more than 3 years of experience to do an internship and master thesis in a company. Although those students might have good domain knowledge there are few other reasons as mentioned below.
- To learn the German work culture
- To understand the German culture and mentality of the people
- To get a job easily after your studies
I know a few students with good experience ended up with a job search of more than 6 months or even more than 1 year. Students without work experience have even gone back to their home country without finding a job.
There are few constraints for staying in Germany for a job search. One example is that you have to prove your financial support. Another big issue during a job search would be depression.
To avoid those issues “think and act”. Think about getting work experience before finishing your studies.
Good luck!
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