sample cover letter

Indian passport renewal in Germany - Complete process, sample application form

Indian passport renewal in Germany – Complete process, sample application form

If an Indian is living in Germany and the passport is about to expire, then it is possible to renew your Indian passport in Germany. It is possible to renew the passport within one year of the expiration date. The process takes approximately 6 weeks to 3 months depending on the situation. So it is better to apply as earlier as possible. Process overview You can find the short overview of the passport renewal process below. Each process is explained…

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Sample cover letter - Indian passport renewal in Germany

Sample cover letter – Indian passport renewal in Germany

It is good to submit the cover letter while sending your old passport for the passport renewal. You can use this cover letter with the recipient’s contact information so that it is not necessary to write the address on the main envelope. You can just copy and edit this sample invitation letter. Red font texts – To be changed Black font texts – Not necessary to change Kindly replace the red font once you have finished editing. Submit the document…

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German language exceptions for family reunion visa

German language exceptions for family reunion visa

People who are coming to Germany should learn the German language. But there are also exceptions. University degree If you have a university degree and there are possibilities for you to find a job in Germany with your language skills, then it is not necessary for you to learn the German language. In my opinion, there will not be any issues for most of the Engineers who had completed their degrees in the English language. There are also more possibilities…

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Family Reunion Visa – Sample cover letter

Sample Cover Letter – Family Reunion Visa (Dependent Visa)

It is mandatory to submit the cover letter with the other visa documents. This is also one of the documents from the visa checklist. You can just copy and edit this sample invitation letter. Red font texts – To be changed Black font texts – Not necessary to change Kindly replace the red font once you have finished editing. Submit the document only in black font. Sample Cover letter Cover letter From Your full name like in the passportStreetCity PincodeGermany…

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Possible mistakes while writing a cover letter

Possible mistakes while writing a cover letter

It is not important that how many jobs you are applying but the quality of the application documents are very important. Even a few minor mistakes in your cover letter could lead to rejection. Here are some of the common mistakes which we make during cover letter preparation. Not in a proper format (Click here to know about the format and sample cover letter) Wrong date, month and sometimes also the year Addressing a wrong person Wrong company name Mentioning…

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DOs and DON'Ts - Cover Letter

DOs and DON’Ts – Cover Letter

Cover letter is very important for the job application. You can get the most valuable tips here to create a cover letter. DOs Cover letter should be only one page. Mention only the important points which are relevant to the job which you are applying. Write the correct contact person name. Write the correct company name. Adress the letter to a person. If it is not mentioned in the job opening, you can mention as “Dear recruiting team”. Mention your…

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