pfand in Germany

Pfand - Bottle deposit and recycling - Save money

Pfand: Bottle deposit and recycling – Save money

Due to the increase in the consumption of plastic, paper, glass, etc in our daily life, recycling has become one of the essential aspects of today’s life. In Germany, there is a deposit system which is called Pfand in German word. It is actually a deposit system for bottles made of different recyclable materials. What is pfand? While buying certain products in plastic bottles, glass bottles and tin, you should pay an extra amount of money, on top of the…

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Drinking water in Germany

Drinking water in Germany

Drinking water in Germany Almost every house in Germany has a separate drinking water connection. The drinking water is the same water which we use for other purposes. That means it is the same water which we use for drinking, bathing and all other purposes. Most people in Germany use water from the tap for drinking purpose. If you would like to drink water from the tap but you don’t feel safe, you can use the water filter. Click the…

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