
4 simple steps to renew an Indian passport in Germany

4 simple steps to renew an Indian passport in Germany

There are a few important things that you have to follow while sending your documents to renew your Indian passport in Germany. Below are the 4 things you should do for passport renewal. I have categorized the above-mentioned points based on the activity you should do. Online works Filled passport application form The first step is to fill out the passport renewal application form. Select the correct category for filling out the form. It takes approximately 45 minutes to 1…

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Strawberry self picking from the farmland in Germany

Strawberry self picking from the farm in Germany

Picking the fruits from the trees or plants is the best thing ever we can do in Germany. There are several reasons behind that. One of the main reasons is that we will get to know from where we are getting the fruits and also in which condition. Obviously, if we are allowed to pick the fruits, we will select only the best fruits. Pick strawberry by yourself in Germany Visiting farm Visiting a farm is one of the wonderful…

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Passport and visa photos for 30 cents in Germany

Passport and visa photos for 30 cents in Germany

Many of us might know that the cost of a photoshoot is too costly. It varies from 15 to 30 euros just for the normal passport or visa photos. It’s quite costly for the students who do not earn money or earn less from the part-time job, internship, thesis, etc. There is an alternative way to get a cheap photo for passport or visa purposes. This process takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes. I’m sharing the step-by-step procedures and also…

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Drying clothes inside the house - Important things to know

Drying clothes inside the house – Important things to know

Drying wet or washed clothes (laundry) is one of the most challenging tasks in cold countries, especially during the winter or rainy days. So, most of us dry the clothes inside the house and it’s unavoidable to dry the clothes inside the house either due to the outside weather or non-availability of space. It is also unavoidable for the students who are living in a shared accommodation. Are we aware of the consequence and also its impact on our health…

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Why is it important to select the universities before taking the IELTS test

Why is it important to select the universities before taking the IELTS test?

It is a very common question “What is the first step” to start applying for master’s studies in Germany. I’m writing this post based on my opinion and experience. University selection In my opinion, it is important to select the university at the first step. There are several reasons and also advantages. If you have selected the university at first, you will know the IELTS requirements of the universities in which you are interested. It means you will have a…

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Travel ban from India to Germany - Who is allowed to travel

Travel ban from India to Germany – Who is allowed to travel?

According to Robert Koch-Institut, India is on the list of “area of variant of concern” and it was previously on the list of high-risk countries (high incidence area). Therefore there is a travel ban from the passengers coming from India. However, this travel ban is not applicable to everyone, there are also a few exemptions. This post is for the general awareness of the people who are dilemma due to the current travel ban. You can find the official links…

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Cheap flight booking options

Cheap flight booking options

Finding a cheap flight ticket is one of the challenging things for travellers. Especially it is difficult to get more baggage for the affordable price. Here are some of the cheapest options to book a flight from India to Germany and from Germany to India. I have also shared my experience about the flight rates and baggage experience in this post. Information about the flight from India It’s quite good to choose the nearest destination to your university. List of…

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Disposing of clothes and shoes in Germany for free

Easy ways to dispose of clothes and shoes in Germany

It’s very common that we have to throw out some of the unused or old clothes and also shoes. There are few possibilities to dispose of it. It is very common in Germany to throw unused or old clothes and shoes in a container. Old cloth container (Altkleider Container) You can find two different types of containers in most of the places. Spend Trash (recycle) Unfortunately, it’s not very common to find both types of containers in the same place.…

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When students should avoid doing a part-time job

When students should avoid doing a part-time job?

Almost all the international students who are coming to Germany might have the idea of doing a part-time to earn and also fund their second year. A part-time job is good for students, but there are also some important facts which should be considered before doing a part-time job. Working days for students The international students are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days. These days are calculated for one complete year from 1st of January…

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