limescale cleaner for shower heads

Removing limescale deposits due to water leakage

Removing limescale deposits due to water leakage

Water leakage One of the most common issues is water leakage from the pipes. Water leakage shouldn’t be a very disaster for your house but it could be a drop of leakage which spoils the floor or wall. It can mostly happen in the following places. So it is better to have an eye on those places occasionally. Washbasin inlet in the kitchen Washbasin outlet in the kitchen Washbasin inlet in the bathroom Washbasin outlet in the bathroom Washbasin inlet…

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Removing limescale deposits, hard water stains

Removing limescale deposits & hard water stains – Simple solutions

People who want to have a clean house may know how difficult it is to maintain it. Especially, when it comes to the lime deposit in the bathroom, washbasins, toilets, etc. It’s not so easy to avoid due to the hard water but there are some solutions. I have shared my experience which could also help you to save money. What is a limescale deposit? A limescale deposit is a chalky deposit due to the calcium carbonate in water. You…

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Water filter for shower - Hair fall - Hair dryness - Hair thinning - Skin problems, etc...

Water filter for shower

Water filter for shower If you have read my previous post, you may know that the water in Germany is hard water. If you haven’t read that post, click the link below to read it. You can find the lime deposits on the washbasin, bathtub, etc. Those are also because of the hard water. It is not only bad for the material in the bathroom but the hard water cause also some problems for our body. Common issues Here are…

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