
Removing limescale deposits due to water leakage

Removing limescale deposits due to water leakage

Water leakage One of the most common issues is water leakage from the pipes. Water leakage shouldn’t be a very disaster for your house but it could be a drop of leakage which spoils the floor or wall. It can mostly happen in the following places. So it is better to have an eye on those places occasionally. Washbasin inlet in the kitchen Washbasin outlet in the kitchen Washbasin inlet in the bathroom Washbasin outlet in the bathroom Washbasin inlet…

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Removing limescale deposits, hard water stains

Removing limescale deposits & hard water stains – Simple solutions

People who want to have a clean house may know how difficult it is to maintain it. Especially, when it comes to the lime deposit in the bathroom, washbasins, toilets, etc. It’s not so easy to avoid due to the hard water but there are some solutions. I have shared my experience which could also help you to save money. What is a limescale deposit? A limescale deposit is a chalky deposit due to the calcium carbonate in water. You…

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Drinking water filter in Germany

Drinking water filter in Germany

It is common in Germany to use the same water for drinking, washing, bathing, etc. The water also contains lime deposit. That means, it is hard water and it will be difficult for many of us. In this post, I would like to explain the various filters which we can use for drinking water filtration. You can also read about the water filter for the shower by clicking the link below. Drinking water in Germany Is it safe to drink…

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