jobs in germany

6 ways to find a part-time job in Germany

6 ways to find a part-time job in Germany

Finding a part-time job is one of the important aspects for international students to fund their stay in Germany. Especially, if it is necessary to save money for the visa extension. There are several possibilities to find a part-time job in Germany. You can find some of the important ways in this post. How to find a part-time job? There are different ways to search the part times jobs in Germany. Searching in internet Searching through a consultancy Searching in…

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December – Right time to come to Germany in job seeker visa?

I have seen some posts in Facebook that few people are interested to come to Germany in December in job seeker visa (JSV). How is the job market in Germany? This could be a most common question for all the job seekers. In one of my pervious post I have mentioned that some certain domains have good opportunities in Germany. If you haven’t read that post, below is the link. So, coming to the point… In my opinion and experience,…

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How a job fair helped me to get a job in Germany

How a job fair helped me to get a job in Germany?

I would like to share how I got my internship and job in Germany in multiple posts. I hope that this will help at least a few people who are seeking an internship or job in Germany. In this post, I have explained the common questions which arise for almost all the international students who are studying in Germany. Masters in Germany Like other master aspirants, I came to Germany after finishing my bachelor studies in Aeronautical Engineering from Nehru…

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Job fair in Germany

Job fair in Germany

Trade fair or expo is most common in Germany. There be will different types of the expo in different fields throughout Germany. You can visit some of the expos for free and some with entry fees. There are different types of fairs. Job expo or job fair Technology expo Art and craft expo Oldtimer expo Sports expo Vehicle expo, etc… The expo will give you more ideas in different fields. You can also know about the recent trends, technologies and…

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Why work experience is important than finishing your studies in Germany?

Why work experience is important than finishing your studies in Germany?

Most of the students who are coming to Germany thinks to finish their studies as soon as possible to get a job. It is not really worth to finish the studies without any industrial experiences in Germany. From my experience I would separate the students into two category. Students without work experience Students with work experience Students without work experience This will be more suitable for all the students who are coming to Germany for their bachelor studies. Also, most…

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Interview Process in Germany

Interview process in Germany

I would like to share the interview process in Germany. So far I have attended several interviews and also cleared a few interviews in the first attempt. I hope that my experience gives you a clear idea about the Germany interview process and also helps you to clear an interview to get a job easily. Application phase It is not so easy to get an interview call within a few applications. So it is necessary to constantly apply for jobs.…

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Is this the correct time to find a job in Germany?

Most of you have this question… Should I have to quit the current job and search for a new job in Germany? Too many of you might think that whether it is the correct time to find a job in Germany or not. If you are also one among them, then you can find the information here. There are some domains that have job openings and some not. Mechanical I would say a big NO. Due to the technological change and…

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5 things to do before coming to Germany in job seeker visa

If you want to find a job in Germany, it is necessary to be in Germany (for most of the jobs). For that purpose “job seeker visa” helps you. Job search visa is only for 6 months, which is not really enough time to start from the strach when you are in Germany. Those 6 months are not trail and error period for you. So it is to prepare yourself before coming to Germany. 1. Learn German language Although there…

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