
Minimum salary in Germany

Minimum salary in south Germany

Since there are many people searching for jobs (especially software engineers) from other countries in Germany, I will share the minimum salary in Baden-Württemberg state. Even if you have done your interview well, salary negotiation plays an important role in Germany to get a job. If there is a vacancy in a company, there will be some specific budget to fill that position. It will lead to rejection if we demand more salary than the budget. Here is the minimum…

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Salary in Germany

Salary in Germany

What is the salary in Germany for my job? This will be the question for almost everyone of us. Although there are a few websites (also listed below), most of us don’t know the real salary. I will share my experience with you. There are many factors which decides the salary. Profession and qualification State City Working hours Company Tariff Profession and qualification Our salary in Germany is always based on our profession. We earn a salary based on our…

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5 things to do before coming to Germany in job seeker visa

If you want to find a job in Germany, it is necessary to be in Germany (for most of the jobs). For that purpose “job seeker visa” helps you. Job search visa is only for 6 months, which is not really enough time to start from the strach when you are in Germany. Those 6 months are not trail and error period for you. So it is to prepare yourself before coming to Germany. 1. Learn German language Although there…

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Do’s and Don’ts – Resume

DO’s Create a unique resume. Do not copy or do no use the tempates. Prepare like a timeline. Maximum 2 pages. Use clearly readable font. Use proper line spacing. DON’Ts Don’t use many colour fonts, try to use only black font. Don’t use more capital words and bold letters. Don’t explain anything in very detail. Don’t add too much information (points) in the experience. Don’t try to fill up the page without any important contents.

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Possible mistakes while writing a cover letter

Possible mistakes while writing a cover letter

It is not important that how many jobs you are applying but the quality of the application documents are very important. Even a few minor mistakes in your cover letter could lead to rejection. Here are some of the common mistakes which we make during cover letter preparation. Not in a proper format (Click here to know about the format and sample cover letter) Wrong date, month and sometimes also the year Addressing a wrong person Wrong company name Mentioning…

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Document Attestation

Attestation for certificates

In order to send the certificates to Germany, it is mostly necessary to get attestation You can get an attestation from several persons. But I recommend getting from the notary lawyer or from embassy or consulate. Notary from lawyer The most common way to get attestation is from the lawyer. It is sometimes a cheapest option to get your documents attested. From Embassy / Consulate Some universities accepts the attestation only from embassy or consulate. In those cases there are…

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Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letters – Study in Germany

Recommendation letters for masters in Germany Who needs a recommendation letter? All those who want to do Master studies in Germany need a recommendation letter. From whom should I have to get a recommendation letter? Students If you are a student and haven’t worked anywhere or if you were a student and don’t have any experience, then get a recommendation letter from 2 or 3 Professors. Get it from the experienced person who holds a PhD or ME. With Work…

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