Germany quarantine

Travel during covid (corona) - Complete step by step information

Travel during Covid-19 (corona) – Complete step by step information

I have summarised all the important information regarding the travel during covid from Germany to India and India to Germany on this post. I hope that it helps the travellers to find all the information on a single page. What you can expect from this post? You can also find the following information from the links given on this post. Covid test facilities in Germany and India Covid test experience in Germany and India Registration information – Travel to India…

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Quarantine in Germany - My experience - Allowed to use public transport to reach home? - Number of days - First day - Day of arrival or the next day? - Shopping during the quarantine - New mask rules

Quarantine in Germany – My experience

I would like to share my quarantine experience which might be helpful for the person who is coming to Germany and undergoes quarantine. If you haven’t read my travel experience from India to Germany in detail, click the below link and read it. I have also shared the experience of travelling from Germany to India. You can read it on my blog by clicking here. Public transport from the airport We have arrived at Frankfurt International Airport in the morning…

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