Freiwilliges Praktikum

Salary for an internship in Germany

Salary for an internship in Germany

In my opinion, internship salary or stipend is based on many different factors. Company Research institute Location Types of internship Duration of internship Company If you get an internship in a big company, there are more chances to get a good salary for an internship. On the other hand, there are small companies or medium-sized companies which pay less for the students. Research institute It is also possible to do an internship in research institutes. The salary or stipend for…

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Why work experience is important than finishing your studies in Germany?

Why work experience is important than finishing your studies in Germany?

Most of the students who are coming to Germany thinks to finish their studies as soon as possible to get a job. It is not really worth to finish the studies without any industrial experiences in Germany. From my experience I would separate the students into two category. Students without work experience Students with work experience Students without work experience This will be more suitable for all the students who are coming to Germany for their bachelor studies. Also, most…

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Minimum salary in Germany

Minimum salary in south Germany

Since there are many people searching for jobs (especially software engineers) from other countries in Germany, I will share the minimum salary in Baden-Württemberg state. Even if you have done your interview well, salary negotiation plays an important role in Germany to get a job. If there is a vacancy in a company, there will be some specific budget to fill that position. It will lead to rejection if we demand more salary than the budget. Here is the minimum…

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