Corona rules in Germany

Travel during covid (corona) - Complete step by step information

Travel during Covid-19 (corona) – Complete step by step information

I have summarised all the important information regarding the travel during covid from Germany to India and India to Germany on this post. I hope that it helps the travellers to find all the information on a single page. What you can expect from this post? You can also find the following information from the links given on this post. Covid test facilities in Germany and India Covid test experience in Germany and India Registration information – Travel to India…

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Quarantine in shared accommodation (Wohngemeinschaft - WG)

Quarantine in shared accommodation (Wohngemeinschaft – WG)

As we know that the traveller from the risk area should undergo home quarantine. If a person is living in an individual house or apartment, it is quite easy to not to be in contact with others. It is very difficult for persons who are living in shared accommodation. I would like to share the information which I have received from my public health department. If you would like to know the detailed information regarding the below-mentioned points, click the…

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