best month for job application

December – Right time to come to Germany in job seeker visa?

I have seen some posts in Facebook that few people are interested to come to Germany in December in job seeker visa (JSV). How is the job market in Germany? This could be a most common question for all the job seekers. In one of my pervious post I have mentioned that some certain domains have good opportunities in Germany. If you haven’t read that post, below is the link. So, coming to the point… In my opinion and experience,…

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Best months to apply for a job in Germany

Best months to apply for a job in Germany

Even though jobs are available throughout the year, there are a few months where you get very fewer interview calls. Based on my experience, I have divided this into two. Before summer vacation After summer vacation Major Holidays Here are the major school holidays in Germany. Easter holidays Whitsun (Pentecost) holidays Summer holidays Autumn holidays Christmas holidays The dates may differ based on the state. You can find about the school holidays in Germany in – Ferien, Feiertage, Kalender.…

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