Frequently Asked Questions

Best Institute for learning German (Deutsch) in India

There are different possibilities to get a German language certificate.

  • Learning in Goethe Institute: Since Goethe Institute is an institute from Germany, learning German in Goethe Institute is recognized all the universities in Germany. Certificate from Goethe Institute is worthy than other private institutes.
  • Learning in private Institute: Some universities accept only certificates from Goethe Institute. In some cases, you can also learn German in a private institute and get a certificate from there.
  • Learning in private Institute and getting a certificate from Goethe Institute: Goethe Institute is not available in all the cities. So, it is also possible to learn german in a private institute and writing exam at Goethe Institute.

Which level of German language is required?

It is good to learn at least till A2 level. But it is better to learn till B1 because it is considered to be an advanced level.

What are the possibilities to learn German in Germany?

It is possible to continue German course in Germany by showing you previous german level. Some institutes may conduct a test to assure your knowledge in German.

How can I register for learning German language in Germany?

If you are in home country and you are willing to join the class as soon as you reach Germany, you could book it online or per email. In most of the cases it will not work properly as you planned. For example, this institute might not have good trasport facilities, too far, etc. So I would suggest you to reach Germany and then search for an institute. You will get lot more ideas.

German language helps to get a job or an internship in Germany?

Yes. German language will helps to get a job or internship easily.

It means, having certificate won’t help but you should speak. It is not possible to speak perfect German but you should try it.

What is IELTS?

IELTS means “International English Language Testing System”.

It is used to measure the English proficiency for students and professionals who are willing to work in other countries where English is used as a communication language.

Bachelor and Master studies in Germany

Germany is well known for Master studies. Apart from that, there are also some universities which have International studies in Bachelor degree.

After completing higher secondary education, students are eligible to apply.

First 2 to 3 semesters exams will be in Enlgish and later on will be in German or combination of both. Students who are willing to do Bachelor studies in Germany are recommended to have a strong basics in German language.

Tuition Fees

Most of the universities in Germany doesn’t has a tuition fee. There is only enrolment fees. It differs from each and every university and also states. There are plenty of universities without tuition fees. So it is recommended to choose one from those.


Since most of the universities doesn’t have tuition fees, there are not too much scholoarships available like other countries. There are few scholarships like DAAD, Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, etc. are available.

Difference between University (Universität ) and University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule)

FH is more concerned with applied knowledge.

At the university a major part of the study is devoted to theoretical education as well as to extensive scientific and technological sciences.

Overall, the education at the university is more challenging in depth.

Buying a laptop

If you have all the necessary software, you could bring those and buy a laptop in Germany. Because it is possible to get the money back while doing tax clearance.

If you don’t have all the necesary software, it is better to buy a laptop in India and install all the necessary software. In Germany, you have to buy OS and install by yourself. It costs too much to do it in a shop.

If you need german keyborad then you could by only keyboard.

Selecting a laptop

If you are sure that you will use some software during your studies. It is better to buy a laptop medium configuration.

If you studies are related to animation, design, simulation, etc., it is better to buy a laptop with high configuration.

Eligibility for a Blue Card?

To get a blue card, it is necessary to earn minimum salary. Minimum salary varies based on the city. So have a look at your responsible foreign office website or ask them directly.

To get a blue card, job must be related to your studies.

Applying for a Blue Card?

To apply for a Blue Card, it is necessary to submit the following documents.

  • Work contract (Arbeitsvertrag)
  • Language certificate (if applicable)
  • Passport
  • Money

Payment methods in foreign office?

There are two possible methods to pay in a foreign office.

  • Cash
  • Debit card payment

Note: It is not possible to pay with a credit card.

Applying for a blue card?

You can apply for the blue card in a foreign office where you have done you city registration. If you have shifted to a new city, then it is also possible to apply there. It takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to get a blue card.

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