Part-Time Job

There are different ways to earn money along with your studies. Here are some of the most common ways to earn parallel to the studies.

  1. Part-time job
  2. Mini job
  3. Vacation Job (Ferienjob)
  4. Student (HiWi) job in a university

Part-time job

Finding a part-time job is not so difficult. If you speak german, it is quite easy to get a part-time job. It doesn’t mean that others won’t get it. But chances are high to get a job easily with german skills. If you speak german, it is also possible to earn more money by working as a waiter in a pub or restaurant. Although the salary will be similar to other jobs, you can earn more from tips.

Mini job

Mini job is also commonly called a 450 euros job. It means you can earn a maximum of 450 euros. It is not possible to earn more than that. It is also possible to do multiple mini-jobs. Working hours will be normally 20 hours per week.

Vacation Job (Ferienjob)

There are different types of Ferienjob.

  • Technical ferienjob
  • Non-technical ferienjob

In a vacation job, it is also possible to get an office job. But chances are very less. It is also possible to work in some companies on the shop floor and earn some experience, which could be helpful to mechanical engineers. Big companies requires always manpower during summer, easter, and Christmas vacations. A vacation job is the best choice to earn more money in a short period of time.

HiWi job

HiWi job or Hilfswissenschaftler is normally a technical job. It is normally under a professor in a university or in some research institute. Except for the HiWi job, all other jobs are normally not related to studies. In a vacation job, it is possible to work in some companies on the shop floor and earn some experience, which could help mechanical engineers. In a vacation job, it is also possible to get an office job. But chances are very less.

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