
Rules and Regulations

International students must have a residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) to do part-time, mini, KiWi, vacation jobs in Germany. They are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days. Normally, half-day is calculated as 3.5 hours. It changes depends on the company you work for. It is calculated for each calendar year 1 st January till 31st December. Vacation and sick leave are not counted under these 120 days.

If a student is doing a part-time job, it is counted in those 120 working days. If a student is doing a paid or unpaid internship, those are also counted under working days. The master thesis will not be counted in those 120 days.

Apart from this, if a student is working in a holiday job (Ferienjob), it is also counted as a normal working day. Extra working hours in a full day job will not be counted as an extra day.

It is explained in “Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory” under part 3, section 16 “Residence for educational purposes”. Click here to read more.

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