To terminate the house contract, it is also necessary to add some important details. It is good to follow the below structure so that you can include all the necessary information.
- House contract termination information
- Requesting for the acceptance letter from the landlord
- Requesting to terminate the house rent deduction
- Visiting appointment for the new tenant
- Appointment for the hand-over of keys
- Your new house address to get the additional costs bills
- Your bank account details
House contract termination information
It is important to add the exact details of your house which includes
- Street
- House number
- Floor number
- House number on the floor (if it’s available)
- Postal code
- City
- Country
Requesting for the acceptance letter from the landlord
It’s also very important to get a reply letter from your landlord about the contract termination. Keep it safe once you get it. It will be helpful in case if there is an issue.
Requesting to terminate the house rent deduction
If your house rent was deducted automatically, then it is also necessary to mention in your contract to stop the deduction from the specific month.
If you are transferring the rent every month, it is also good to mention that you will not pay rent from a specific month.
Visiting appointment for the new tenant
Your landlord might be willing to rent the house as soon as you vacate. In that case, you can also mention that you are happy to let the new tenant visit your house by making an appointment.
Appointment for the hand-over of keys
If you have planned a specific date for moving out of the house, you can let the landlord know about it and you can hand over the keys. If you do not know the date, you can just write that you would like to make an appointment. You can make this appointment later over the phone, by email, etc.
Your new house address
It is very good to mention your new house address to get the additional costs bills (Nebenkostenabrechnung), which you may need for your tax declaration.
Bank account details
At last, it is also very important to give your valid bank details to get the deposit and additional costs money back (if applicable).
Here is a sample house contract termination letter in German.
Sample letter
First Name Last Name
Postal code Place, Deutschland
Datum: 01.04.2021
Your place
Your landlord’s first and last name
Their address
Their Postal code Place
Kündigung der Wohnung unter o.g. Anschrift
Sehr geehrte Frau ***First Name Last Name***, – For female owner
“Sehr geehrter Herr ***First Name Last Name***”, – For male owner
hiermit kündige ich den bestehenden Mietvertrag für die Wohnung ***(add exact address, floor, etc)*** vom **date** ordentlich und fristgerecht zum 31. Juli 2021.
Bitte bestätigen Sie mir den Erhalt dieser Kündigung und das Aufhebungsdatum des Mietvertrages schriftlich.
Darüber hinaus teile ich Ihnen mit, dass die von mir erhaltene Einzugsermächtigung zum Einzug der Miete ab diesem Zeitpunkt widerrufen wird. Informieren Sie mich bitte im Vorfeld, wenn Besichtigungstermine mit neuen Interessenten vereinbart werden, damit wir uns diesbezüglich abstimmen können.
Im Rahmen meiner Kündigung möchte ich Sie um einen Termin für die Schlüsselübergabe bitten.
Meine neue Anschrift lautet ab dem 01. August 2021:
Your First Name Last Name
New House address
Postal Code, City
An diese Anschrift bitte ich Sie, mir die Nebenkostenabrechnung zu senden.
Die aus dem beendeten Mietverhältnis entstehende Rückzahlung der Mietkaution, sowie eventueller Nebenkostenguthaben bitte ich an folgende Bankverbindung zu überweisen:
Kontoinhaber: First Name Last Name (as in the Bank)
IBAN: IBAN number
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
First Name Last Name
Word document
I have also uploaded the word document. Do not press enter or add text before the heading “Kündigung der Wohnung unter o.g. Anschrift” because the template is suitable to fold and send in the cover. Adding text in a new line may misalign the letter and will not be suitable for folding. You can find a suitable cover below.
This letter template was prepared using MS word 2013. If you use any other version, kindly copy and paste the above text to eliminate the alignment error.
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