If we go to the supermarket, we can find hundreds or thousands of products. Are all these products are always good? How can we trust the quality? How we will know when something is not good?
If you have the above questions, then you can find the some useful information in this post.
Product quality
All the products that are used in close contact with humans are obliged to follow certain rules and regulations to provide good quality. However, sometimes problems can also occur. In that case, it is necessary to inform the consumer and recall the products, if necessary. But the question is,
How the consumers get information about the recalled products?
How to get the information?
The information can be found on the internet at the “Lebensmittelwarnung” website. This is the official website set up by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit – BVL) on behalf of the 16 federal states.
Apart from that, if the product was recalled, you can also find it in the newspaper and also in the supermarket as a notice or advertisement.
Consumers in Germany can find out about warnings about,
- Food products
- Cosmetic products (like toothpaste, face cream or shampoo)
- Consumer goods
In simple words, we can find information about the products that are used in close contact with humans. For example, foods contact materials such as packaging, crockery and cutlery. The household products like toys, clothing, jewellery and also the cleaning agents.
This portal also contains the information from the responsible authorities for the public or on product recalls by companies.
Product warning
Apart from this, this portal also warns the public about,
- A product that was not produced in Germany
- The product has not been brought into the German market. For example, the food that is sold over the Internet.
- Notification from the other EU countries. For example, the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) or the European Rapid Alert System for Consumer Products (RAPEX).
Validity of products entries
The validity of the products that are published on the above-mentioned website are based on the 2 factors.
- Products with best-before or use-by date
- Products without best-before or use-by date
Products with best-before or use-by date
The product entries will be deleted,
- If the foods, cosmetic, tattoo products or consumer products are no longer on the market.
- If the product has been on the market and has already been consumed
- The entries will be deleted from the above-mentioned after the expiry date or use-by date specified by the manufacturer.
Products without best-before or use-by date
If the food, cosmetic, tattoo products or consumer products are without an expiry date or use-by date, then the product entries are published for one year.
Replacing the affected product?
Replacing the affected products is quite simple. You can show the bill on the information or the cashpoint (Kasse) and replace the product with the new products or you can also get the money back.
If you do not have the bills, then do not worry. It is still possible to replace or give back the product. With the help of code on the pack, it is possible to identify the purchase made in the particular shop. If you have started consuming the products, it is still possible to give back.
This post provides you with some basic information and kindly considers this as a reference. To get detailed information, kindly visit the above-mentioned official website.