Using an Indian driving license in Germany

Driving with an Indian driving license in Germany

Almost all the Indians would like to drive cars on the German highway (Autobahn) due to the no speed limit. However, most Indians don’t do it because thed don|t have a German driving license or an International driving license. Here are some of the important information that could achieve your dream of driving on the German highway (Autobahn). Driving without a German driving license It’s generally possible for Indians to drive in Germany for the initial 6 months without a…

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Lost wallet during vacation - Emergency money (Notfallbargeld)

Lost wallet during vacation? – Emergency money (Notfallbargeld)

It is quite common that most people to keep their money, credit card, and debit card in their wallets. It can also happen during the vacation that someone loses their wallet or is stolen by others. If your entire wallet is lost including your debit card, credit card, and money, it will be difficult to get cash. Even though this is a rare scenario, these possibilities exist. Emergency cash It will be a very worst experience if your wallet is…

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Traveling with an old passport and Residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) to Germany after getting a new passport

Traveling with an old passport and Residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) to Germany after getting a new passport

It is necessary to renew the passport before it gets expired or shortly after expiry based on the requirements of the particular country. However, many people may have the confusion regarding the residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) renewal. They may also have the following questions. Should I have to renew my residence permit in Germany or will it get automatically renewed with the new passport? Can I travel to Germany with the old passport and the old residence permit? If you are…

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Free drinking water in Germany - Refill Deutschland

Free drinking water in Germany – Refill water bottles

In general, it is very rare to get free water in Germany from restaurants, and cafes. We need more water during summer because of high temperatures, and body dehydration. But every time when we have food or coffee, we have to pay also for the water. Refill water for free – Refill Deutschland Refill Deutschland is an initiative in Germany to provide free drinking water from the tap to the people. As of 27 July 2022, there are 6140 refill…

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Travel from Germany to India in Emirates

Travel from Germany to India in Emirates – My experience (Nov 2021)

Travel details Ticket booking date: 18.11.2021 Departure date: 19.11.2021 Arrival date: 21.11.2021 Departure: Munich (München), Germany Arrival: Thiruvananthapuram, India Airlines: Emirates Transit: Dubai Transit duration: app. 15 hours Required documents Covid 19 RT-PCR test report Air Suvidha Self declaration form Covid 19 RT-PCR test I took the RT-PCR test at the Munich airport. Sampling Date: 18 Nov 2021, 19:31 (CET) Date of Finding: 19 Nov 2021, 17:17 (CET) Sample Type: Throat Swab Payment It is possible only to pay with…

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Winter tires in Germany

Winter tires in Germany

The cold seasons have started in Germany. That means there are more possibilities to see the frost or icy roads. So it is better to use the winter tire. Month to change winter tire There are no months specifically defined as per law. But in general, it is advisable to adopt the “von O bis O” rule, which means winter tires could be used from October till Easter (generally April). 7 degree rule It is also advisable to use winter…

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Verpflichtungserklaerung - Letter of obligation

4 simple steps to get a “formal obligation letter (Verpflichtungserklärung)” with a sample document

Verpflichtungserklärung Verpflichtungserklärung in the German language is mentioned with several different words in English. Formal obligation Declaration of Commitment Sponsorship The formal obligation letter is the obligation letter to cover the living costs of your guest or sponsor. You can get this letter for different purposes. Visitor Study Language course Marriage Business trip, etc Where do we get the obligation letter? You can get the obligation letter from the foreign office (Ausländerbehörde). You can use this link to find your…

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Trolley bags for flight travel - Things to know before buying

Trolley bags for flight travel – Things to know before buying

All first-time international flight travelers prefer buying a new trolley suitcase. Buying a trolley is not a simple job to do? Are you wondering and asking yourself, why? There are too many things which you should know before buying a trolley bag and also save your money. You can get the complete detailed information in this post. What’s important to know? Type of luggage Material Number of wheels Colour Size Warranty Type of luggage There are two major types of…

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Corona test report requirements with sample report

Corona test report requirements with sample report

In order to travel from India to Germany, it is mandatory to have one of the below documents. Covid negative test report Covid vaccine report Covid recovery report In this post, I will not explain the covid vaccine or covid recovery details, but the information regarding the covid negative test report and also the requirements of the test report. Covid test report check Not all the covid negative reports are accepted at the airport. The test report should contain the…

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Indian passport renewal in Germany - Complete process, sample application form

Indian passport renewal in Germany – Complete process, sample application form

If an Indian is living in Germany and the passport is about to expire, then it is possible to renew your Indian passport in Germany. It is possible to renew the passport within one year of the expiration date. The process takes approximately 6 weeks to 3 months depending on the situation. So it is better to apply as earlier as possible. Process overview You can find the short overview of the passport renewal process below. Each process is explained…

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