Life in Germany

Family Reunion Visa – Sample cover letter

Sample Cover Letter – Family Reunion Visa (Dependent Visa)

It is mandatory to submit the cover letter with the other visa documents. This is also one of the documents from the visa checklist. You can just copy and edit this sample invitation letter. Red font texts – To be changed Black font texts – Not necessary to change Kindly replace the red font once you have finished editing. Submit the document only in black font. Sample Cover letter Cover letter From Your full name like in the passportStreetCity PincodeGermany…

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Family Reunion Visa – Sample Invitation letter

Family Reunion Visa (Dependent Visa) – Sample Invitation letter

It is good to submit the invitation letter from Germany while applying for family reunion visa. In some consulate, it is not mandatory to submit but it is always good to submit it with the other documents. The person who checked the documents for my wife had asked the invitation letter. You can just copy and edit this sample invitation letter. Red font texts – To be changed Black font texts – Not necessary to change Kindly replace the red…

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Germany family reunion visa

Germany family reunion visa (Dependent visa) – Complete information

Steps Book an appointment Prepare the documents Submitting the documents in embassy or consulate Submitting documents in Germany Submitting the passport Collecting the passport Book an appointment Booking an appointment is the first important thing which you have to do. If you do not book an appointment at the correct time, you may have to wait for a long time. For a newly married couple It is necessary to submit the copies of marriage certificate during the appointment. So make…

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Document translation

Document translation in Germany

It is very common that the foreigners have to translate some of the documents in the German language. For example, Driving license Birth certificate Marriage certificate All other documents Document translation in Germany There are many choices for us to do a translation in Germany. But most of the options are too costly or we don’t know the cheap options. Sometimes we may need the document urgently so that we have to opt for the fast service, sometimes it will…

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Salary for an internship in Germany

Salary for an internship in Germany

In my opinion, internship salary or stipend is based on many different factors. Company Research institute Location Types of internship Duration of internship Company If you get an internship in a big company, there are more chances to get a good salary for an internship. On the other hand, there are small companies or medium-sized companies which pay less for the students. Research institute It is also possible to do an internship in research institutes. The salary or stipend for…

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Indian food in a Germany highway - Jaffna Tasty, Niefern-Öschelbronn

Indian food in a Germany highway – Jaffna Tasty

On the way back to home from black forest trip, we have suddenly decided to have dinner near to some restaurants in Germany highway A8 (Bundesautobahn 8 or Autobahn 8). I have searched for a german restaurant and navigated to that restaurant. But all of a sudden my wife found an Indian (Srilankan) restaurant. Details are mentioned below. We thought to go there and taste the food. Since we are also doing YouTube video (our YouTube channel: Travel Meets The…

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Can't reach your place due to train (Deutsche Bahn) delay - Free stay in a hotel

Can’t reach your place due to train (Deutsche Bahn) delay?? Free stay in a hotel

Most of us know that there will be a delay in reaching our destination while we travel in a Deutsche Bahn. But most of us don’t know what are the rights we have to get the compensation. I have explained it in detail with a sample application form. Kindly read the below information before continue reading this post. This gives you a clear idea. I would like to share what has happened to me. Train delay I was traveling from…

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Train delayed - Get your money back

Train delayed? Get your money back

Compensation for the delayed arrival of the train In Deutsche Bahn, it is possible to get compensation if the train has arrived late at the destination. Read the details on the Deutsche Bahn website. It is also applicable to the IC bus and euro night trains. You have to fill the Passenger Rights Claim Form (Fahrgastrechte-Formular) and send it to the address mentioned in that form. It is also possible to get this form from the train station and submit thereafter filling it up.…

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