
Job resignation in Germany

Job resignation in Germany – Important details with a sample resignation letter

Job resignation If you would like to change a job while working in Germany or if you would like to terminate the work contract in Germany, it is necessary to send or submit a signed resignation letter. Notice period (Kündigunsfrist) The notice period differs based on the employer. Not all the people in the company will have the same notice period. For example, your colleague may have a different notice period than you. So, it is better to check your…

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When students should avoid doing a part-time job

When students should avoid doing a part-time job?

Almost all the international students who are coming to Germany might have the idea of doing a part-time to earn and also fund their second year. A part-time job is good for students, but there are also some important facts which should be considered before doing a part-time job. Working days for students The international students are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days. These days are calculated for one complete year from 1st of January…

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Importance of German language

Importance of learning the German language

Not all jobs in Germany require German language skills. Same way, it is very common that most international students prefer the study programs in English to avoid learning the German language. But there is a big question. Is it good to avoid learning the German language? I will explain the importance of the German language in this post. I will also share a few of my experience of how the German language helped me to survive in Germany. Why learning…

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6 ways to find a part-time job in Germany

6 ways to find a part-time job in Germany

Finding a part-time job is one of the important aspects for international students to fund their stay in Germany. Especially, if it is necessary to save money for the visa extension. There are several possibilities to find a part-time job in Germany. You can find some of the important ways in this post. How to find a part-time job? There are different ways to search the part times jobs in Germany. Searching in internet Searching through a consultancy Searching in…

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Internship for spouse

Internship in Germany for a spouse

One of the easiest ways to find a job in Germany is through an internship. This is applicable not only for students but also for spouse. It is also possible for a spouse to search for a job directly if they get it or if they have experience in the relevant industry. Who can do an internship? If you hold a visa card (Aufenthaltstitel) in which it’s mentioned as Erwerbstätigkeit Gestattet then you are allowed to do an internship without…

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December – Right time to come to Germany in job seeker visa?

I have seen some posts in Facebook that few people are interested to come to Germany in December in job seeker visa (JSV). How is the job market in Germany? This could be a most common question for all the job seekers. In one of my pervious post I have mentioned that some certain domains have good opportunities in Germany. If you haven’t read that post, below is the link. So, coming to the point… In my opinion and experience,…

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How a job fair helped me to get a job in Germany

How a job fair helped me to get a job in Germany?

I would like to share how I got my internship and job in Germany in multiple posts. I hope that this will help at least a few people who are seeking an internship or job in Germany. In this post, I have explained the common questions which arise for almost all the international students who are studying in Germany. Masters in Germany Like other master aspirants, I came to Germany after finishing my bachelor studies in Aeronautical Engineering from Nehru…

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Job fair in Germany

Job fair in Germany

Trade fair or expo is most common in Germany. There be will different types of the expo in different fields throughout Germany. You can visit some of the expos for free and some with entry fees. There are different types of fairs. Job expo or job fair Technology expo Art and craft expo Oldtimer expo Sports expo Vehicle expo, etc… The expo will give you more ideas in different fields. You can also know about the recent trends, technologies and…

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Career guidance in the universities

Career guidance in the universities

There are no campus recruitments in Germany and the students should search for the internships and jobs by themself. Most of the students will feel difficult to know the process and to gather other relevant information. In most of the universities, there will be a department to get career guidance. Career guidance It is mostly called as Ausbildungszentrum (ABZ). The name might differ based on the university. This is one of the important places where you can get information. If…

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