
Barbeque in Germany - Important things to know

Barbeque (grill) in Germany – Important things to know

Cold days are over and here comes the long-awaited summer with the sunshine. Summer without barbeque is not fulfilled. The barbeque is one of the best things which we can do, it will be even good to do with friends and families. You can get some important information regarding the grill, law, etc. Apart from that, you can also get to know about the public places to grill, etc. Barbeque Vegetarian barbeque Non-vegetarian barbeque Vegetarian barbeque Nowadays, there are different…

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Strawberry self picking from the farmland in Germany

Strawberry self picking from the farm in Germany

Picking the fruits from the trees or plants is the best thing ever we can do in Germany. There are several reasons behind that. One of the main reasons is that we will get to know from where we are getting the fruits and also in which condition. Obviously, if we are allowed to pick the fruits, we will select only the best fruits. Pick strawberry by yourself in Germany Visiting farm Visiting a farm is one of the wonderful…

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Food safety warning - Lebensmittelwarnung

Food safety warning (Lebensmittelwarnung)

If we go to the supermarket, we can find hundreds or thousands of products. Are all these products are always good? How can we trust the quality? How we will know when something is not good? If you have the above questions, then you can find the some useful information in this post. Product quality All the products that are used in close contact with humans are obliged to follow certain rules and regulations to provide good quality. However, sometimes…

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Indian food in a Germany highway - Jaffna Tasty, Niefern-Öschelbronn

Indian food in a Germany highway – Jaffna Tasty

On the way back to home from black forest trip, we have suddenly decided to have dinner near to some restaurants in Germany highway A8 (Bundesautobahn 8 or Autobahn 8). I have searched for a german restaurant and navigated to that restaurant. But all of a sudden my wife found an Indian (Srilankan) restaurant. Details are mentioned below. We thought to go there and taste the food. Since we are also doing YouTube video (our YouTube channel: Travel Meets The…

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Street food in Germany

It is not so easy to find many street foods in Germany. There are markets but those are different from the street foods. Location We had an opportunity to go to a place and have a street food in Germany. This place is located in Markdorf. Markforf is a small town near to Bodenseekreis district which is in Baden-Wuerttemberg state. Foods There were different varaites of foods here. Few varaities are, Indian food German food French food Hungarian food Mexican…

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