Booking a visa appointment - VFS Global website and email

Booking a visa appointment – VFS Global and email

Booking a visa appointment – VFS Global website and email I would like to share the experience of my friends who had scheduled an appointment for the student visa and family reunion visa interview. They received the appointment confirmation on 21.02.20201 for the student visa and 22.02.20201 for the Family reunion visa. The process is the same for all the visa types. I hope this will be helpful for you or someone else. There are 2 possibilities to get a…

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Drinking water filter in Germany

Drinking water filter in Germany

It is common in Germany to use the same water for drinking, washing, bathing, etc. The water also contains lime deposit. That means, it is hard water and it will be difficult for many of us. In this post, I would like to explain the various filters which we can use for drinking water filtration. You can also read about the water filter for the shower by clicking the link below. Drinking water in Germany Is it safe to drink…

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How to dispose of an old laptop in Germany and reuse the parts

How to dispose of an old laptop and reuse the parts? – My experience

Most of us who are living in Germany may know that we have to dispose of the waste correctly. If we fail to do that, it may lead to a penalty. There are a few important things we should know about disposing of electronics waste. Almost every one of us gets a situation to throw away or dispose of our laptop at least once in our lifetime. When we get that situation, we might have several questions. If you also…

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University change after visa process

Changing university after getting a visa

Some students may like to change their university after getting the visa or after getting a visa for a particular university. They may have a dilemma whether it’s possible or not. If you want to have a clear idea, then read this post. Admission It’s common that almost every student applies to more than one university. Results of those universities will not be published at the same time. That means the admission approval letter or the email may reach you…

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Fresh milk in Germany - Directly from the farm

Fresh milk in Germany – Directly from the farm

It is very common in India that we drink fresh milk. We might have drunken the fresh milk which was delivered every day or sometimes in the packet. We may miss that in Germany because it is different here. I have explored some options here in Germany and I would like to share my experience regarding the fresh milk from farmers. Milk in the supermarket We can see different kinds of milk in the supermarket. Here are some of the…

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Family reunion Visa for students - My friend's experience

Family reunion Visa for students – My friend’s experience

Personal experience This is the personal experience of one of my friend who came to Germany with her family during her studies. Type of visa My friend came to Germany on a student visa and her husband with a child came to Germany on a family reunion visa (spouse visa). Booking an appointment First, she had applied for a visa for herself and then for her husband and son. Her husband and her son had applied after 20 days because…

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Travel during covid (corona) - Complete step by step information

Travel during Covid-19 (corona) – Complete step by step information

I have summarised all the important information regarding the travel during covid from Germany to India and India to Germany on this post. I hope that it helps the travellers to find all the information on a single page. What you can expect from this post? You can also find the following information from the links given on this post. Covid test facilities in Germany and India Covid test experience in Germany and India Registration information – Travel to India…

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Quarantine in shared accommodation (Wohngemeinschaft - WG)

Quarantine in shared accommodation (Wohngemeinschaft – WG)

As we know that the traveller from the risk area should undergo home quarantine. If a person is living in an individual house or apartment, it is quite easy to not to be in contact with others. It is very difficult for persons who are living in shared accommodation. I would like to share the information which I have received from my public health department. If you would like to know the detailed information regarding the below-mentioned points, click the…

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Frequently asked questions - Travel during Covid

Frequently asked questions – Travel during Covid-19

I would like to give answers for some of the frequently asked questions regarding the travel to India and also to Germany. You can find the most important information with the official links. Travel to India What are the documents should I have to fill? Air Suvidha self-declaration form Air Suvidha exemption form E-pass (if required by the destination state) Where can I find the links of Air Suvidha self-declaration and quarantine exemption form? You can find these 2 online…

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Quarantine in Germany - My experience - Allowed to use public transport to reach home? - Number of days - First day - Day of arrival or the next day? - Shopping during the quarantine - New mask rules

Quarantine in Germany – My experience

I would like to share my quarantine experience which might be helpful for the person who is coming to Germany and undergoes quarantine. If you haven’t read my travel experience from India to Germany in detail, click the below link and read it. I have also shared the experience of travelling from Germany to India. You can read it on my blog by clicking here. Public transport from the airport We have arrived at Frankfurt International Airport in the morning…

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