Searching and shortlisting the universities

Searching and shortlisting the German universities

All the students who are coming to Germany for their studies should apply to their desired universities. Sometimes it will be quite challenging due to the lack of information. You can get the information regarding searching for universities, the official German website to search for universities, etc. Bachelor studies in Germany Master studies in Germany Searching the universities Due to technological development, there are several possibilities to search and find the university details from the internet. Here are some of…

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Cheap flight booking options

Cheap flight booking options

Finding a cheap flight ticket is one of the challenging things for travellers. Especially it is difficult to get more baggage for the affordable price. Here are some of the cheapest options to book a flight from India to Germany and from Germany to India. I have also shared my experience about the flight rates and baggage experience in this post. Information about the flight from India It’s quite good to choose the nearest destination to your university. List of…

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Disposing of clothes and shoes in Germany for free

Easy ways to dispose of clothes and shoes in Germany

It’s very common that we have to throw out some of the unused or old clothes and also shoes. There are few possibilities to dispose of it. It is very common in Germany to throw unused or old clothes and shoes in a container. Old cloth container (Altkleider Container) You can find two different types of containers in most of the places. Spend Trash (recycle) Unfortunately, it’s not very common to find both types of containers in the same place.…

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When students should avoid doing a part-time job

When students should avoid doing a part-time job?

Almost all the international students who are coming to Germany might have the idea of doing a part-time to earn and also fund their second year. A part-time job is good for students, but there are also some important facts which should be considered before doing a part-time job. Working days for students The international students are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days. These days are calculated for one complete year from 1st of January…

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Importance of German language

Importance of learning the German language

Not all jobs in Germany require German language skills. Same way, it is very common that most international students prefer the study programs in English to avoid learning the German language. But there is a big question. Is it good to avoid learning the German language? I will explain the importance of the German language in this post. I will also share a few of my experience of how the German language helped me to survive in Germany. Why learning…

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6 ways to find a part-time job in Germany

6 ways to find a part-time job in Germany

Finding a part-time job is one of the important aspects for international students to fund their stay in Germany. Especially, if it is necessary to save money for the visa extension. There are several possibilities to find a part-time job in Germany. You can find some of the important ways in this post. How to find a part-time job? There are different ways to search the part times jobs in Germany. Searching in internet Searching through a consultancy Searching in…

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New electricity contract in Germany - Complete information

New electricity contract in Germany – Complete information

In this post, you can know detailed the step-by-step process to get a new electricity contract (Stromvertrag) in Germany. You can also get complete information regarding the changing of electricity provider. I would like to share some of my experience in this post which will be helpful for you too. Why it is good to change the electricity provider? How to get a cheap electricity contract? Where you should be careful to save money? Energy consumption How to change the…

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Cleaning a greasy kitchen chimney - Easy, quick & cost-effective

Cleaning a greasy kitchen chimney – Easy, quick & cost effective methods

It’s quite common that we use oil for cooking. We might have noticed that the oil had deposited like grease over the chimney. Especially, when we use oil for frying. Therefore proper cleaning is essential to have a good looking kitchen. Cleaning kitchen chimney surface Who likes the messed kitchen? I hope that almost every one of us doesn’t like it. Here are some of the tips to clean the surface of the chimney. Dishwashing Liquid Hot water All-purpose cleaning…

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Mould (Schimmel) - Prevention & repair

Mould (Schimmel) – Prevention & repair

People who are living for a few years in Germany or any other cold countries may know that there are few household issues, which we have to overcome during winter. One of the most common issues is the mould issue. What is mould? Mould is a type of fungus that grows well in damp and poorly ventilated areas. Moulds can grow in and on any materials like walls, paper, woods, pipes, foods, furniture, carpets, etc. Actually, the cold season like…

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Kündigung - Wohnung Mietvertrag

House contract Termination – Sample letter template in German

To terminate the house contract, it is also necessary to add some important details. It is good to follow the below structure so that you can include all the necessary information. House contract termination information Requesting for the acceptance letter from the landlord Requesting to terminate the house rent deduction Visiting appointment for the new tenant Appointment for the hand-over of keys Your new house address to get the additional costs bills Your bank account details House contract termination information…

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