Finding a part-time job is one of the important aspects for international students to fund their stay in Germany. Especially, if it is necessary to save money for the visa extension. There are several possibilities to find a part-time job in Germany. You can find some of the important ways in this post.

How to find a part-time job?

There are different ways to search the part times jobs in Germany.

  • Searching in internet
  • Searching through a consultancy
  • Searching in university advertisement or notice board
  • Searching in newspaper
  • Contacting the shop directly
  • Applying directly through a company/shop website

Nevertheless, contacts also play an important role in finding a Part-time. Try to gather information from either seniors or friends about their experiences of finding a part-time In your city.

Searching in internet

The most common way to search for a part-time job is to search on job search websites. There is plenty of websites to search for those jobs. In big cities, it is not so difficult to find a part-time job. Click below for some of the popular websites to search for a part-time job.

Searching through a consultancy

Finding a part-time job through a consultancy is also possible. Actually, it is one of the best ways if you can speak German. It is also possible to get with basic German knowledge.

There are numerous consultancies in every city. You can approach them directly. You should fill a form. Normally this form will be in German. You should fill in the basic details such as your name, address, type of work in which you are interested, in which climatic condition you are ready to work, etc.

Searching in university advertisement or notice board

Almost all the universities have an advertisement board where students can search for information. It is called Schwarzes Brett. Normally contact number will be mentioned in the advertisement or an email address with the details of the contact person.

Searching in newspaper

Part-time jobs will be advertised in the local newspaper. Sometimes it will also be a good source to find opportunities near to your place.

Contacting the shop directly

It is also possible to visit the shop directly and ask for a part-time job. For example, it is possible to visit fast-food restaurants like Burger King, McDonald’s, etc. and ask for a job. Before you try this way, it is advisable to refresh your German language skills to make a good first impression.

Applying directly through a company/shop website

If you know that there are some big shops in your city, you can also have a look at their website for vacancies. If there is a vacancy, you should apply with your resume, cover letter, etc.

For example, you can also apply for the delivery job directly through their website.

Language requirements

It is good to have German knowledge (especially speaking) to do basic communications. It is very advantageous if you can speak well in German, as it opens you many opportunities. It doesn’t mean that it is impossible to get a job in only English, rather there will be fewer opportunities.


You can get to know about the salaries offered for part-time jobs from the below link.

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