
How to correctly heat and ventilate the house during winter

How to correctly heat and ventilate the house during winter?

The heater is the most important thing during winter to stay warm. On the other hand, it’s also very important to know how we have to heat the house to save our money. The wrong way of heating the house may lead to high energy costs and also lead to damages to the house. Check the heater function Every heater is different and the time it takes to heat to the room is based on different facts. So it’s important…

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Heizung entlueften - Winter heater vent check

Heater vent (Heizung entlüften) – Winter heater check

The cold days have started in Germany. That means we need the heater at home to stay warm. The improper function of the heater may lead to high energy costs which you pay as Nebenkosten. In order to save money and also ensure the proper working of the heater, it’s important to vent the heater. It is a quite simple process that takes approximately 2 minutes to complete. Improper function You can easily identify the improper function by touching the…

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Winter tires in Germany

Winter tires in Germany

The cold seasons have started in Germany. That means there are more possibilities to see the frost or icy roads. So it is better to use the winter tire. Month to change winter tire There are no months specifically defined as per law. But in general, it is advisable to adopt the “von O bis O” rule, which means winter tires could be used from October till Easter (generally April). 7 degree rule It is also advisable to use winter…

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Job resignation in Germany

Job resignation in Germany – Important details with a sample resignation letter

Job resignation If you would like to change a job while working in Germany or if you would like to terminate the work contract in Germany, it is necessary to send or submit a signed resignation letter. Notice period (Kündigunsfrist) The notice period differs based on the employer. Not all the people in the company will have the same notice period. For example, your colleague may have a different notice period than you. So, it is better to check your…

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